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Many of these trees still had yellow and orange leaves on the tops of them. When the sun hit the tops it was like someone had struck a match. There was a burst of color against a black backdrop. The color image was vibrant and alive! Yet, I liked the peaceful feeling of this image in black and white.


In black and white

Jane’s Sweaters

Jane’s Sweaters

A few months ago, in the late afternoon, I was invited to photograph with my great friend (we’ll call her Michelle)  in a friend’s garden as we share a passion for photography, and all things beautiful!

Jane’s gardens are stunning, methodical, intoxicating and addicting! As is Jane…

After losing the light, we went inside and I accepted a tequila. Of course I did!  I sipped tequila out of a beautiful and extremely tall green blown glass sitting amongst a collection of other lovely tall green blown glasses at the bar~ sitting amongst a myriad of collections of art and treasures in any direction as far as the eye can wander.

There is extraordinary light and beautiful colors abound. There are stories about everything. And stories to tell. So, as girls and spontaneity go one story led to another story~ the story of Jane and one of her many, many passions… knitting.

It was so cool to photograph the grounds and the garden. It was even more fun to spend the evening with Jane.

Thank you Jane.




Trailing of the SHEEP, Ketchum, Idaho

I don’t love to photograph the sheep of Sun Valley, Idaho parading down Highway 75 for Trailing of the Sheep. Though I have tried many times. Each time I am disappointed with my images. They are over- exposed as it’s the brightest time of day, out of focus as they don’t exactly stand and pose for a photo…

However,  I do love to photograph sheep in their natural habitat. Just recently, I was given access to a herd of sheep up Corral Creek, East of Trail Creek in Sun Valley, Idaho. It was a glorious, and special morning as the sun was peeking up over the hilltops, sheep abound in my private, Sun Valley, Idaho. A special thanks to Adriel!

happy trails

Early morning, Corral Creek, Sun Valley, Idaho